340B Drug Pricing & Prior Authorizations

The 340B Drug Pricing Program is a federal program that requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide discounted drugs to certain covered entities, such as safety-net hospitals and clinics. The program is intended to help these entities provide more affordable medications to underserved and vulnerable populations.
With regards to prior authorization, the 340B program can impact it in a few ways. For example, some insurance companies require prior authorization for certain drugs, which can be a barrier for covered entities participating in 340B. Additionally, some manufacturers may limit the quantity of drugs that can be purchased through 340B, which could also impact prior authorization.
Additionally, some insurance companies will only cover drugs that are obtained through certain channels, such as retail pharmacies, which can be a barrier for covered entities participating in 340B. They may not cover drugs obtained through 340B program.
All in all, the 340B program can impact prior authorization in a variety of ways, and it is important for covered entities to understand these potential barriers in order to ensure they are able to access discounted drugs for their patients.
This is why efforts towards helping healthcare professionals learn more about the prior authorization process is so important to help streamline patient access to important medications. In particular, the 340B program was meant to help expand access to patients with living in lower socioeconomic conditions which may benefit from price reductions. Efforts by the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs have been made in the last few years to help health care providers and administrators more effectively navigate the prior authorization process by offering an industry standard certification program which encompasses all the insider knowledge and insights on the U.S. healthcare system to help improve prior authorization approvals. The program offered by the ACMA is the Prior Authorization Certified Specialist (PACS) program.
Becoming a prior authorization certified specialist (PACS) is important for several reasons:
Professional Development: Certification demonstrates a level of knowledge and skill in prior authorization, and can help professionals advance in their careers.
Industry Recognition: A PACS certification demonstrates to employers, colleagues, and clients that an individual has a high level of expertise in the field of prior authorization.
Keeping Up-to-date: The certification process requires individuals to stay current with the latest industry guidelines and regulations.
Quality patient care: By having a certification, the PACS will be able to navigate the complexities of the prior authorization process and ensure that patients receive the care they need in a timely and efficient manner. Compliance: PACS certification can help organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements related to prior authorization.
In summary, becoming a certified PACS is important for professional development, industry recognition, staying current with regulations, providing quality patient care and ensuring compliance.